"The captain was both congenial and helpful, a pleasure to work with…the best I have experienced in my more than 25 years working at NOAA, interacting with many research vessel captains over the years, and many days at sea. We faced some potentially challenging situations during the cruise, and I was never disappointed in any way with the performance of either the vessel or her captain. Given the current very limited pool of available vessels to charter in the Arctic, we are indeed fortunate to have chartered this most capable vessel with her knowledgeable and experienced captain. If there was ever a vessel that deserved a “highly satisfactory” rating, it is the UKPIK."
- Brad Barr, Ph.D.
Co-Principal Investigator and Mission Coordinator
NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries - Maritime Heritage Program
"The R/V UKPIK provided a sound scientific platform that served our needs beautifully. In addition, the captain was fantastic and sincerely interested in our scientific goals routinely going beyond the call of duty to make sure our expedition was a complete success."
-Dr. John Kessler, Oceanographer, Texas A&M University
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